Rwanda WHO Country Office staff urged to embrace change and become an even more effective team

Rwanda WHO Country Office staff urged to embrace change and become an even more effective team

The World Health Organization (WHO) Country Office in Rwanda committed to embracing change for even more effective delivery of results at the just ended staff retreat which was held in Rubavu, Rwanda from 3 to 6 February 2016.

The retreat provided a platform for staff to better understand the new strategic orientations and administrative procedures in the organization in line with the Regional Transformation Agenda. It also aimed to facilitate better understanding, collaboration, harmonization and alignment between the WHO Country Office, the Ministry of Health and other key partners, and to enhance team dynamics among staff, in a conducive and positive working environment. 

In his opening remarks, the WHO Representative in Rwanda, Dr Olushayo Olu, stated that WHO’s work in Rwanda is focused on ensuring good health services delivery to the people of Rwanda, and that though the Rwanda country office is a strong team, there is room for improvement and all staff members should strive to make the team even more effective.

He stressed the need to use the opportunities of ongoing WHO reforms and AFRO Transformation Agenda to strategically reposition the WHO Country Office to better respond to the expectations of the Government and People of Rwanda through the Ministry of Health. He stressed that the WHO Country Cooperation Strategy and Workplan, developed jointly with the Ministry of Health and other partners, should give strategic direction for the daily work of the Office.

 During the retreat, topics such as contemporary issues in the organization, managerial and administrative procedures, human resources management and staff welfare were covered among others. Two group sessions also gave an opportunity to identify key strategies and interventions to be implemented in order to improve the work, results and impact of the office.

The retreat concluded with key recommendations and an operational plan for implementation of the Transformation Agenda in WHO Country Office of Rwanda was produced. One of the main recommendations that came out of the meeting is the need to reflect values such as excellence, team work, accountability, integrity, equity, innovation and openness in the daily work of the WHO Country Office team in order to better serve the organization and the country.

Two external WHO staff members, namely Miss Divine Betty Itangishaka, from the Compliance Unit of the Office of the Regional Director, and Mrs Volasoa Andremanisa, the Human Resources Officer of the Inter Country Support Team/ Eastern and Southern Africa in Harare participated and facilitated some of the retreat sessions.


For further information, please contact:

Mr Jean Bosco GASHEREBUKA, HPR, e-mail: gasherebukab [at] (gasherebukab[at]who[dot]int)


1. Opening ceremony: WHO Representative, Dr Olushayo OLU

2. Group work session

3. WHO Country Office group photo

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