World Health Organization Meeting on the Eight United Nations Reform Pilot Countries

World Health Organization Meeting on the Eight United Nations Reform Pilot Countries

The World Health Organization (WHO) organized in Kigali, Rwanda, from the 15th to the 16th of April 2008, a meeting of the WHO Representatives of the Eight Pilot Countries on the United Nations Reform. Those countries are: Albania, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Pakistan, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uruguay and Vietnam. The Headquarters delegation was led by Mr. Denis AITKEN, Director-General’s Representative with the participation of the Representative of the Regional Director for Africa. 

The overall objective of the meeting was to take stock of WHO’s contribution to the eight pilots experiences and draw lessons from the pilots to guide further WHO’s contribution to the United Nations Reform at country level. 

Among others Rwanda has been chosen for hosting the meeting for its experience in the “Delivering as ONE” U.N. Reform.

The Minister of Health of Rwanda, Honourable Dr Jean Damascene NTAWUKURILYAYO, chaired a panel on the effect of the United Nations Reform on the health sector in Rwanda,  in which the Resident Coordinator of the U.N. System and other U.N. Head of Agencies in Rwanda participated. 

An information session was organized with the Development partners in Health. 

The delegation paid  a courtesy visit to the Minister of Health and had a session with the WHO Country Office personnel on the implications of U.N. Reform on their activities.

For more information, please contact:

Dr Mamadou Malifa BALDE, OIC/WHO/Rwanda,
e-mail: %20%20%20baldem [at] ( baldem[at]rw[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int)

Mr. Jean Bosco GASHEREBUKA, HIP/WHO/Rwanda,
e-mail: %20%20%20gasherebukab [at] (   gasherebukab[at]rw[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int)