Dr Abdoulie Dodou JACK, new WHO Representative in Rwanda Presents Credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Dr Abdoulie Dodou JACK, new WHO Representative in Rwanda Presents Credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

On the 23rd of June 2008, Dr Abdoulie Dodou JACK  presented his letters  of credence appointing him as WHO Country Representative in Rwanda, to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Mrs Rose Mary MUSEMINALI. The Honourable Minister accepted the letters of credence and welcomed Dr Jack to Rwanda. The WHO Representative told the Minister that  his presence in the country is on behalf of the Director General of WHO and the Regional Director of WHO for Africa. He assured the Minister that WHO will continue to provide technical support to the country in health matters in accordance with the priorities as determined by the Government of Rwanda, and as set out in the Country Cooperation Strategy, which constitutes the basis for WHO support to Rwanda. 

Dr A.D. Jack, WHO Representative (left), Hon. Mrs Rose Mary Museminali, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (right)
The Honourable Minister indicated that as health is the pillar of all development, it constitutes an important theme for the fundamental documents of the development of Rwanda, namely, “Vision 2020” and “EDPRS “(Economic Development for Poverty Reduction Strategy). She also stressed the importance of the United Nations Reform which has put Rwanda among the eight pilot countries of “One U.N.” for improving efficiency.  The WHO Representative pledged his full support to the efforts of the Government in the decentralization process, capacity building, community-based health insurance and in other programmes of the Ministry of Health in order to accelerate the attainment of health related Millennium Development Goals. 

Dr Abdoulie Jack was appointed as the new World Health Organization (WHO) Representative in Rwanda in early May, 2008. He joined WHO/AFRO in 1998 and has served in various capacities in several countries, including Botswana, Nigeria and Zimbabwe.


Dr Jack holds a degree of Doctor of Medicine in General Medicine and Surgery, a Master of Science degree in Community Health in Developing Countries and Ph D. in Epidemiology. He is married with four children.

For more information, please contact:

e-mail: %20%20%20gasherebukab [at] rw.afro.who.int (   gasherebukab[at]rw[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int)