Situation report | Yellow fever outbreak in Angola, 30 March 2016
Total suspected cases reported as of 29 March are 1409 of which 490 were laboratory confirmed. Total number of deaths reported as of 29 March is 198.
- In the last 48 hours there were 52 suspected cases with 4 deaths of which 31 suspected cases and 2 deaths were from the province of Luanda, the remaining 21 suspected cases and 2 deaths were from Huambo (14 suspected cases 2) and Huila (7 cases and 0 deaths)
- Thirty one (31) districts registered cases with onset of symptoms during the month of March 2016
- Seven (7) new cases were confirmed by PCR in six (6) districts namely Viana (1) K. Kiaxi (1), Samba (1), Huambo (1), Ecunha (1) and Bailundo (2). All seven confirmed cases are from already affected districts.